Thursday, February 4, 2010

Onion Microwave Spark Why Do Onions Spark When Microwaved?

Why do onions spark when microwaved? - onion microwave spark

This question was asked in the kitchen section of last year, but not really solved. Last night I was making guacamole and everything frozen onions and I did not take the time to thaw out naturally be such that the microwave a little chopped onion on a paper plate. A few things started to explode, and how they were burned a little. Onions are not in the microwave for a long time (30 seconds). Has anyone any idea what it does?


Dave said...

A very interesting question. The mechanism of action is made the same, the sparks in the implementation of metal objects in the microwave.

Microwave, creating an electromagnetic field that heats the water molecules in food. Objects at various locations in the area are available in different electric potentials. Although air is normally an electrical insulator when the field exceeds the electrical potential between two objects on the insulation capacity of air (3000 V / mm), a spark between the objects.

His pieces, the onions spark when neighboring bits are very, very small air pockets between them, electric charges can jump from one bit to another. The sparks and is sure to be reduced but probably also by the proliferation of more bits of onion.

Bits of onion freezing process can also contribute to sparks. Although liquid water absorbs microwaves, the frozen water will not absorb microwaves, so in general. (which is why microwave frozen stuff tends to be on the surface, burning the thaw from the outside so that the inside frozen). IfPieces of onions were completely frozen, then I think (but am not sure) that the large charges accumulate on the surface, increasing the chance of sparking. If you're curious, try to thaw the pieces of onion, then see if you two sparks.

I think some other places are here to answer a different question. Microwave to make objects (such as maize) to pop, and the water at home, locked in a closed room, steam. The steam generated internal pressure sufficient to explode the object.

¿Curious... said...

Onion wouldnt probably his paper plate

高句麗 said...

have no idea ...

lonewolf said...

Miss Anne, is full of moisture!

Kitten said...

Probably because they are very quick to cook --

Brown Eyed Girl said...

Water in the microwave breakdown molacules

jon_mac_... said...

Microwave onions I ever, never happened.

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